Sunday, September 27, 2015


"Stuff" don't we all have too much?
Stuff laying around.
Stuff in drawers.
On shelves.
In cars. 

Stuff makes me crazy! 
It truly causes me to have anxiety. 
It makes my heart beat so fast seeing things all over the counter. 

When I come in from being gone all day and I have to unload all of the stuff from the day...mail, my daughters creations, food, groceries, my husbands stuff...I can't do anything else until everything is put away...thrown away or recycled...or put into it's "place". Then I can breathe easier and relax a bit. 

It is so easy to keep your stuff to a minimum when you are single.

Then you get married and combine your stuff.

Now you have double the stuff.

Then have a child or two and then the stuff piles to your ceilings...drawers are full...garages even worse! 

Ahhhhhh! The stuff is taking over! 

Here's my advice...

1. Touch mail once.
2. Clean out your refrigerator. Guarantee you have something expired in there.
3. Clean out your pantry. Same for there's something gross in there.
4. Go thru your medicine cabinet. Check all dates. Toss anything that has expired. 
5. Give it to Goodwill. I make at least one trip a week. Yep a week! 
6. Give it to friends. I give away tons of things to I think they might like.
7. Kids stuff is it while they are sleeping. Most likely they won't miss it. See number 5. 
8. Take it to a consignemnt store...or do a consignment sale. I do these allll of the time! 
9. Sell it on eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook now have easy to use buy sell trade sites. Make some cash!
10. If it's ugly...if you hate it....if it means zero to you...why do you have it? See number 5. 

Declutter friends! 

It's makes life so much simpler! 

And it's so much easier to clean. 

These are pictures of my own home. It has taken me several years to declutter and become more simplfied in my living. #alwaysaworkinprogress 

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