Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How do I lose weight?

This is the most asked question I get. And really the answer is quite simple eat less and move more.

Eat more nutritionally dense foods and less garbage... and move more... A lot more!!! 

It's pretty much that simple.

Here's a few things I've learned over my lifetime of health and fitness.

1. I don't drink my calories. Whether it's a fancy coffee, alcohol, juice, or a smoothie... I simply just don't do it. There are so many empty calories that I just don't need. If you must have one of these..use it as a cheat treat once you have gotten to a weight you like and or a fitness level you are happy with. If not just skip it. 

2. I stopped eating like a teen when I was in my 20s. This means fast food, fried foods, Mexican queso dip and chips, pizza, desserts etc etc.... You simply can't eat like that as you age. (Actually children don't need to eat junk food either). But as we age we gain weight when we eat like this so we have to stop. Again once you are happy with where you are then you can use them as a once a week cheat TREAT only. But don't do this until you are where you need to be or want to be. Because if you start back then it may be a very slippery slope. 

3. I lift weights. This one is so huge! And I don't mean 2/3 pound tiny weights!! I mean you should be lifting weights on a regular 4 day a week schedule. Ok 3! But no less than that!!! (Bc I know most of you are saying 4 days that's too much...) Lift like a body builder (don't worry you won't look like one). What I mean by  this is stop the full body workouts. I'm sorry it just isn't cutting it. And please ladies get over the fact that you think you are going to get "bulky"!!! It's not going to happen!!
Schedule Im doing this week...
Monday legs 
Tuesday back and bis
Wednesday shoulders and tris
Thursday abs chest 
Friday legs again!

4. Do cardio! Now depending on how much "weight" you want to lose depends on how much cardio you will be doing. But a basic guide is 30 -60 minutes 6 days a week. Yep 6. And no walking your dog doesn't count. Sorry. And here's something you should try... Varying the workouts. Try something new. A new park to run in. A new piece of cardio equipment. Hills. Sprints. Treadmill. Just don't do the same thing day after day. It's boring plus your body gets so used to it. Change it up!!! Variety my friends!

5. Group classes... Ok ladies I know y'all love a group class but if you are chatting and not working out ...again is not cutting it. Buy a heart rate monitor and use it. It will tell you how many calories you are actually burning. Buy a hear rate monitor......I love this one....Polar H7 HR Sensor

6.  Food and Calories. You should know how much you are consuming. So for 7 days take a small notebook with you and write down every single bite that goes into your mouth oh and don't forgot those juices smoothies fancy coffees and alcohol!!! Anything that you eat needs to be logged. End of the week add up each day. I bet you will be surprised. 

7. Time. "I don't have time...". I get it your busy. You work. Have kids. But honestly how many minutes a day are you Facebooking, instagraming, watching tv. Get up earlier. Workout with your kids. Find a way. You can do it!!! 

8. Hire a trainer. It will be the best money you've ever spent. Hire someone you like. Hire someone that's experienced. You won't be sorry!! 

9. Hydration! Start guzzling water. Plain ole tap water is totally fine. Start with 80 ounces per day. Make it your goal to drink at least 100 ounces. Your body will thank you!! Stop all colas sodas sports drinks...stick with plain h20!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Peels... Glycolic and Salicylic Acids

(I have been using Glycolics and salicylic acids for decades!!!!! No filter and No makeup!!!)

Skin peels have been around for at least  20 years... That's when I started having them. I was in college and my dermatologist would give me a glycolic acid based peel I help with my horrible acne. I would stay clear for a few weeks then my skin would break out again. This was back when insurance would pay for peels!!! That was awesome!!! Now ummm not so much.

Peels ...whether glycolic or salicylic or lactic or a combo of several types of acids are applied to the skin can now be done by licensed aestheticians (that's me) or a Derm or even your MD.. 

I prefer to use lighter type peels with very little down time. As most people don't have the time to
spend hanging out inside looking like a lizard she adding their skin. 

With milder peels... You can expect a fresh appearance immediately afterwards. Peels help with cellular turnover. Meaning chemically exfoliating the top layer off bringing forward your new fresh skin. 

Mechanical exfoliation would be using some type of clarisonic brush or even just a mild baking soda and water mixture. 

I recommend to my clients to start with a peek every few weeks until you get your skin where you want it. Then a maintenance of 1 per month. 

Keep in mind that it is very important to use daily SPF even if you only plan to be inside as Glycolics and any fruit acids make your skin very sun sensitive. 

Also make sure to keep your skin looks it's best that your at home routine incorporates glycolic, Retinol, antioxidants, and SPF!!!! 

Or you will not only be wasting your money but your skin will not look the very best that it can!!! 

Here are some of my favs!