Saturday, August 9, 2014

Human Body unit

Our Catholic study of being made in Gods Image turned into this...

After we read about God making all people in his image and drawing Pipiri on large paper...she said..
"Mommy we should label all of the body parts..." Which turned into making the human body....aka a unit study which I love!

So after using our Catholic curriculum Image of God: Who Am I?: Kindergarten - we have completed the first 3 lessons...

I had Pipiri lay down on large roll of white paper - I traced around her. Then using My First Human Body Book  - we labeled some of our "important" organs and bones. We used two plastic Publix bags for the large and small intestines, construction paper for the heart, liver, and diaphragm, q tips for the bones of the fingers, and plastic wrap for the lungs.

I also ordered  Toys Squishy Human Body - to use as a "hands on" activity and The Magic School Bus: Human Body - I have always liked the Magic School bus books I used to read them to my students when I taught K-6.

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