Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Workout tuesday

Here is a good leg workout with supersets.

What are "supersets" you ask.. Basically when you do two exercises back to back until repititions are completed that you need.

What I use...

Kettle bell
Nike watch...I literally get asked on a daily basis about this watch!
Nike skirt..very similar to the one I wear..
Asics...love my new shoes!

First superset. 
Start on a step holding a weight in each hand.

Step back lunging with knee very close to the ground.
Come back to starting point.

Switch legs. Then back to both feet on step.
30 reps total.

Leg extension. Start.

Finish. 15 reps.
Now go back to backwards lunges. 
Do those two exercises back to back for 5 sets total.

Next superset. Hold kettlebell. Feet shoulder width apart. Start.

Squat. Booty back. As if you are sitting in a chair. When you stand back up squeeze glutes very hard... Helps w stubborn cellulite!!!!! 25 reps

 Feet narrow stance. Holding weights above shoulders slightly. Start. 

Squat making sure knees are not going over toes. 25 reps. Go back to first exercise.
Do these two exercises for 5 sets total.

Then cardio time. I prefer running, rolling stairclimber, or spinning bike for 45-50 minutes.

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