I read This
book several years ago...and it has completely changed my world!
Kim John Payne is an amazing writer who helps to make your life simpler...make parenting simpler...make your world simpler.
I took all of his advice on toys and the "excessive ness" that I was having with Pipiri.
When she was first born I bought her everything...from cheap plastic toys, to hundreds of books, to dolls....anything that I thought she might play with I bought.
So at around 2 years old I found that our house was a cluttery disaster...full of unused toys, broken items, too many books...not to mention our how our house actually looked...we had too much furniture, household items...too much stuff!
So for the past 2 1/2 years I have gotten rid of or sold items on Craigslist, eBay, consignment sales..giving away things to friends or goodwill...anything and everything I can think of.
I have sold chairs, tables, clothes, toys, books, dishes, silverware, pottery, jewelry, dolls, couches, picture frames, baskets, videos, curtains, pillows, candlesticks, hair clips, bedding...basically anything you can think of I have sold it!
And every bit of money I made I have saved...I never spent a penny if it!
Kim John Payne is an amazing writer who helps to make your life simpler...make parenting simpler...make your world simpler.
I took all of his advice on toys and the "excessive ness" that I was having with Pipiri.
When she was first born I bought her everything...from cheap plastic toys, to hundreds of books, to dolls....anything that I thought she might play with I bought.
So at around 2 years old I found that our house was a cluttery disaster...full of unused toys, broken items, too many books...not to mention our how our house actually looked...we had too much furniture, household items...too much stuff!
So for the past 2 1/2 years I have gotten rid of or sold items on Craigslist, eBay, consignment sales..giving away things to friends or goodwill...anything and everything I can think of.
I have sold chairs, tables, clothes, toys, books, dishes, silverware, pottery, jewelry, dolls, couches, picture frames, baskets, videos, curtains, pillows, candlesticks, hair clips, bedding...basically anything you can think of I have sold it!
And every bit of money I made I have saved...I never spent a penny if it!
I always find more and more to sell...just last week I gave my mom more clothes to take to a consignment store...and every time another children's consignment sale rolls around I always participate.
A. To get rid of more ....B. To make some more money.
I love the feeling of clean shelves.
I love cleaner closets.
I love having nothing on counter tops except for fresh produce.
I love having one piece of art per room on the walls.
Annnnnddd we do not live in a McMansion...we live in an 1900 square foot modest home. And I actually could live in a smaller home if we ever wanted or needed to move. I love small spaces.
Pip now plays with handmade toys, toys she and I have crafted ourselves, wooden toys, actual real tools, silks, baskets, dress up clothes of mine or things I have found for her...blankets....books, sheepskin rugs...
She has beautiful, aesthetically pleasing toys and play things. Things warm to the touch. Soft when rubbed on her skin. Silky...lovely toys that will last a lifetime.
My house takes about 1.5 hours to clean from top to bottom because we have very few "sit a rounds".
My drawers are neat and straight. My closets are very simple. I have only the things that I need to use for cleaning.
Everything has a place to live and at the end of the day my house is just like it was the night before.
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