2. I strength train also known as lifting weights 2x per week for 1-1.5 hours every session. I push myself very hard. I go to the "guy section" and lift where they lift. I try to lift heavy but I keep my form intact thruout each exercise. I lift free weights, I use some machines, I love walking lunges...I squat, use kettle bells, bar bells....I do chest presses..leg press...pull downs, push-ups...Bulgarian squats....I lift back, shoulders, tris, bis...I work every muscle group 2x a week.
3. I drink 85-100 ounces of water everyday. I use this
which is leakproof. I use filtered water from my refrigerator. And I use this
or this
in each of my 32 ounces.
4. I stick to a clean, low processed, healthy, veggie, fruit...whole grain...fish...dairy...balanced diet. I consider myself an Aquarian. I eat nutrionally dense foods...I eat a balance of carbs, healthy fats, and proteins. I stick to eating around 1200-1400 cals per day. Never less than 1200.
5. I walk around a bunch and I very rarely sit down. I use this
to track my caloric burn and steps taken. I sit for meals, some while I teach Pipiri, and at night when the day is done. But other than that I am moving. Cleaning, standing, walking, playing with Pipiri.....going on nature walks...swimming....living an active lifestyle. I walk an average of 10,000-13,000 steps per day.
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