Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Active Rest

I have a tendency to over do it and to hardle ever take more than two days off in a row. And I work extremely hard every time I work out. I would say on a scale of 1-10... I weight train around a 7-9 every time. And when I do cardio I would say i work at the same level.

It is hard for me to take time off...very hard! 

Yesterday I knew it was time.

I could not finish my weight training session and I quit after two rounds of my workout and after I lifted some with my friend and trainer. So total about 40 minutes and I truly couldn't do anymore. 

I was exhausted! 

So being that tomorrow I turn 41.. I thought what a perfect time for some much needed active rest! 

I plan to take one full week off of working out and I started today.

I am not going to run, do any weight lifting, strength training, or rolling stairclimber for 7 full days.

However, I will not just be sitting around on the couch doing nothing.

I will be actively resting.

Daily or bi-daily yoga.
Nature walks.
Swimming at the pool with Pipiri.
Playing at the park.
Stretching my tired muscles. 
Sleeping more.
Taking care of myself.

I try to take one week off every 5 or so months and I plan to do it in an active way. 

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