Warm up 5 minutes on treadmill....slow jog.
This band
You can use at home or if you want to go from easiest to hardest This set of three bands
will do the trick.
Triceps extensions - I use 115 pounds with 20 reps
Stand one foot on flat medicine ball or Bosu ball, other foot bent, bicep curls into a shoulder press. I use 12.5-15 pounds in each hand 15 reps. Switch feet after 7.
Reverse ab crunch. Laying on bench. Slowly lower legs to slightly bent position. Then raise legs back up to curled position. Press back into pad. Booty comes off bench. Don't flip your legs up. 20 reps.
Keeping legs wide. Band around ankles. Walk to the left for 20 steps then back to right. Keeping band very wide..never letting it go slack. Then walk forward for 20 steps and backwards 20 steps. Keeping legs wide and band tight..no slack.
Lay on mat. Arms beside you. Raise hips off ground with heels on ball. Roll ball with heels out in front of you..making legs straight. Then roll back to beginning position with legs bent. Keeping hips raised in the air. 20 reps.
I do all of these exercises 3x each.
These exercises are hitting biceps, triceps, abs, shoulders, booty, and outer thighs.
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