Sunday, September 21, 2014

I am NOT a natural beauty!

It is hard for me to accept compliments when it comes to the way i look.... Mainly because its alll an illusion. Its all fake.

Fake daily self tanning. Read This about how I achieve my faux glow. 
Fakeup aka makeup...bronzer, hilighter, mascara, blush, and concealor. Read This about my faux makeup routine. 
Fake colored hair and thickness from rogaine. Read This about my faux hair. 
Fake boobs.
Fake painted toes.
Fake teeth. I sleep in retainers nightly. And bleach them several times a year. 
Fake under eye injectables.
Fake skin clarity from a million peels.
Fake eye brows. Waxed and tweezed. 
Fake smooth legs. Leg veins treated many many times.
Fake no acne skin from products. Read This about my acne ordeal.
Fake body from a million hours at the gym. Read ThisThis, or This for some example workout routines. 

Yep all fake! 
All an illusion!
No filters here  just me and all my fakeness!!

You should see me without all if it! A wreck!! 

Shhhh dont tell anyone its all so natural. 

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