Ohhh candy my old friend! My friend in my pockets...my friend that was always there for me....my sugary deliciousness....yummy!
Yep but I gave it up last year mid lent GONE!
So when I went to my doctor last year I had my cholesterol levels taken as I have for many years.
They were the following...
Total cholesterol 188
Triglycerides 66
HDL 79
LDL 96
While yes all within in the normal range (read more about normal range levels Here) ....I thought they actually would be lower...hmmmmm me an over achiever even with cholesterol....ummm YES!
So this year after major dietary changes...giving up candy and all sugary desserts, adding wayyyy more fat to my diet...eggs including the yolk, real butter, adding more healthy fish... tons and tons of spinach, water cress, collard greens, greens greens greens....adding Grapeseed oil and continuing with olive oil....sautéing veggies in both of these oils....
Today my cholesterol levels were the following...
Total 183
Triglycerides 38 (28 points lower)
HDL 90 (11 points higher)
LDL 85 (11 points lower)
Yay! Proof is in the numbers!! All much better than last year!
I love reverse aging! I love lowering my cholesterol thru diet! Over achiever yes!!
Anything is possible!
I never ever want to have to take pills for something that I can control thru my diet and working out and living a health lifestyle! Never!
If I can you can!!
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