Friday, January 2, 2015

Plyometric day

I love doing plyos!

Heart pumping sweating...good old fat and calorie burning plyos! 

So easy you can do them at the gym or at home. 

For these all you need is a jump rope.

First set jump rope 1 minute...switch it up doing running, jumping, super fast, and skip a step styles. Jumping rope is a full body workout...don't let the simplicity of it fool you.
Buy Jump rope here. 

Walking lunges shoot for 25. Advanced do 50.

Jumping jacks 25. Advanced 50.

Burpees 12. Advanced 25.

Squats 25. Advanced as many as you can.

Full routine 4x. 

Should take you 20 minutes or less.

Click here to view full workout....pips sign had something to do with her dolls...she couldn't wait to get in the video! 

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