Monday, January 26, 2015

Carbs! Yes I eat them!!

I hear Sooo many people talking about carbs so I just have to tell you what I think and what I eat.

Carbohydrates give you energy. Carbohydrates are not all "bad". Carbohydrates can and are very beneficial to you!

I love sweet potatoes and eat them daily. As well as fruit...bananas...blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. While yes they have sugar it is naturally occurring sugars. Not added refined processed sugars. And yes these are all carbs!

What I stay away from are the so called "bad" carbs. White flour. White bread. White anything really. I don't eat any breads at all or crackers. I do eat Ezekial bread which is legume it doesn't make your blood sugar spike and then bottom out. Making you feel shaky etc.

I also don't eat pasta. It just doesn't make me feel well. So I stay away from pastas. Perhaps a whole wheat pasta 1x a year but very rarely. 

And vegetables! I eat spinach, kale, arugula, watercress, broccoli, asparagus, peppers, carrots, onions...on and on...veggies are so great! Low cal...high nutritional value!! Eat up! And while yes they are carbs...they are just so healthy for you! 

For dinner I typically have mostly vegetables and a protein...such as fish or eggs. Yep the whole egg! 

So for those of you trying to lose a few pounds.,,yes you can eat carbs...just try to consume them in the morning and afternoon...tapering off thruout the day and having mainly veggies and protein at night. 

Oh and sorry people Wine is a carb! And yes it counts. 

So to sum fruit veggies and some whole grains. Leave the white flour and refined packaged foods alone. 
Stick with fresh whole fruits and veggies and you will be just fine.

The end! 


bellsmom said...

Good to know! I love my fresh fruit! We have replaced our pasta with spaghetti squash and love it way more than pasta!

Mindy said...

Yum spaghetti squash sounds amazing! :)