Monday, September 15, 2014

Pablo Picasso Study

We started our new artist study today of my very favorite painter...Pablo Picasso! 

I have admired Picasso since I discovered his work while taking art classes in college.
I love how he took huge risks with his art. 
How he loved a challenge. 
How he went against the grain. 
How he stepped out of the norm.
I loved how he was not scared to be different. 
He is by far my favorite Artsit! 

We started by reading a few books and by simply looking at his most famous pieces. We talked about which of his pieces sold for the most money and who bought them. 

She played with her finger puppet and decided to draw her favorite painting Guenica. While yes it is dipicting war and if you really study the piece it is a very gruesome painting....all Pipiri saw was the chaos of it all and the shapes. She loved all of the shapes he used to make the faces and figures. She was rally drawn to it and studied it for over 15 minutes. 

We measured in our house how big the actually Guernica painting is! 25 feet wide by 11 feet high!!

We also talked about Picasso taking his time and doing his very best since he was paid a great sum of money to do this painting.  

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